Thursday, May 23, 2013

C'est la vie but I love the vie

I'd like to take the time to add to my many posts of thinking about blogging again. The problem is that it is way too easy to get caught up in the flow of life and neglect taking some time to stop and think about life and what is going on around you.

Since my last post on this blog I have gotten engaged, married and pregnant! That was all in the span of a few months too! Just kidding.... But in all seriousness all that has happened since 2011 and more! In addition to those things I have been privileged enough to graduate, find a great job and marry the love of my life. We even got hooked up and honeymooned in Austria! That trip was worth at least 3 blog posts alone, we had a good time.

There is a baby on the way and the thought of being a father is mind blowing to me. There are many times where I feel like I am just barely growing up myself and having that responsibility is kind of overwhelming to think of at times. But I welcome the challenges and the joys that will come with raising a kiddo of my own.


Jody said...

Stumbled across your blog. Love the hope and expectation you express. God bless you both and congratulations:)

Unknown said...

Neat blog mate.

caterpillar said...

nice blog.
that trip to Austria sounds awesome.