Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's the Lord who's faithful

So not last night, but the night before I had this dream. Let me precede my dream with a little reality check. So this past weekend and even the latter part of the week I had been feeling really down. I had been my own victim to a lot of spiritual warfare that was happening. I felt like I had lost my sense of direction and really was lacking any motivation spiritually.

But then last, last night I had this dream. Granted it was a weird dream if you were there with me but this one part stood out. So this girl (who will be unnamed) makes a cameo and just walks out between two cars, hands me a gift and leaves. So later I'm handling the gift and I look at it and it has writing on it. It says something nice on it and also written on it is Philippians 1:6. Shortly after that I wake up.

The funny thing is I know the verse if I hear it, but I am not familiar with the chapter and verse location. So I look it up and it says, "being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;" Wow. I've never had a dream with a Bible verse in it before. I was so excited after I looked that up and meditated on it. God is so good and faithful to give us just what we need when we need it. Needless to say, I know where that verse is now.


aprilmclean said...

Praise God! He is so faithful!

K.C. said...

Beautiful! That is so cool.

Was I the girl who handed you the present?

David said...

No, KC lol. Who the girl was is unimportant in the scope of things.

Allison said...

That is cool. And I think the reason you won't admit who the girl was is because it WAS KC... ok jk.